The nave’s acoustics are regularly praised by renowned Dutch and international artists.


The 17th-century Amstelkerk has evolved from a temporary church, where Napoleon is said to have stabled his horse, into an atmospheric venue with wonderful acoustics. An idyll of peace and serene splendour in the heart of the city centre.

Venue hire

Multifunctional heritage

Since the 1990s, the central space of the church has been used for lectures, symposiums, dinners, receptions, weddings and concerts.

The Amstelkerk – located on the characterful Amstelveld near Reguliersgracht, Kerkstraat and Prinsengracht – is Stadsherstel’s most multifunctional venue, comprising offices, homes, the restaurant NeL and a permanent exhibition space.


Phenomenal acoustics

Step into the Amstelkerk and you are bathed in light. The white wooden walls and ceiling, the spacious nave, and the daylight that pours through the high windows from the Amstelveld give the building its distinctive bright atmosphere.

Musicians from the Netherlands and beyond praise the acoustics. The restored Bätz organ can still be played.

All modern conveniences such as heating and toilet facilities are available. We work with professional partners both for catering and audio-visual equipment. To make your event even more memorable, you can arrive by boat and moor directly opposite the entrance.

Because De Duif is just a stone’s throw away, it’s possible to use two of Stadsherstel’s heritage venues for a single event. For example, you can combine a dinner at De Duif with a reception at the Amstelkerk.

The nave’s acoustics are regularly praised by renowned Dutch and international artists.

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300 m2
280 personen *
220 personen *
130 personen *
* In verband met de huidige coronamaatregelen gelden er andere aantallen en bepalen we per evenement een maximale capaciteit. Neem contact met ons op om dit te bespreken.
Come and get a taste of the atmosphere
The church is open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00, not only to view the monument from the inside, but also to visit the exhibitions.
From a chamber music concert to a lecture hosted by the John Adams Institute, visitors are always pleasantly surprised by the ambience of this striking white wooden church.

The building

From temporary ‘preaching shed’ to multifunctional building

Built as a temporary place of worship – once described as a ‘preaching shed’ – today the Amstelkerk is one of the most beautiful churches in Amsterdam. Municipal architect Daniël Stalpaert had the wooden church built in 1668-1670, with plans for it to be to be replaced by a large stone church on the Amstelveld. In the end, this was never built, so not only can we still enjoy this intimate ‘temporary church’, but also the distinctive Amstelveld has been preserved.

The Amstelkerk turned 350 years old in 2020. The exterior wooden walls were originally painted oxblood red.

Restoring the city

Choose heritage

By hiring this location you contribute to the restoration and preservation of the Amstelkerk in particular and of Amsterdam as a whole. Stadsherstel acquired the building in the late 1980s, when it was in a very poor condition. The restoration was completed in 1990 and Stadsherstel itself moved into the office spaces. Since then, the central space has been available for hire for events.

The church has a square ground plan measuring 28.3 x 28.3 metres, the same size as the Oosterkerk, which was also designed by Daniël Stalpaert.

Drop in for a visit

The church is open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00, not only to view the monument from the inside, but also to visit the exhibitions.

This wooden church – a rarity in Amsterdam – offers space for concerts and art exhibitions. With its beautifully proportioned windows, this intimate building has the elegance and style of a refined jewellery box.
Visitor to the exhibition Het is Stil op Straat (‘The street is quiet’).
Copyright Stuart Acker Holt
It was so special to give my daughter away in this prime location!
Tineke Lagendijk, mother of the bride
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