Roaring Cats albumpresentatie


za 26 okt.
 - Copyright Karol Srnec Copyright Karol Srnec
  • Toegangsprijs TICKETS ONLINE / AT THE DOOR: 15 euros
  •   Kaartverkoop
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za 26 okt. 2024 20:00 't Zonnehuis Kaartverkoop
Zonnehuis Gebouw
't Zonnehuis
Zonneplein 30

Albumpresentatie van The Roaring Cats in 't Zonnehuis.

Roaring Cats are one of Europe’s most promising bands regarding swing and hot jazz.

The tiny orchestra based in Amsterdam took the challenge of giving value and new significance to the roots of jazz.

Their repertoire consists of original arrangements of the finest tunes by the top artists of the 30’s and 40’s. On top of that, they are presenting original compositions in style. Swell notes for hyperactive swing dancers and for sedentary drinking listeners.

Sam Ghezzi : vocals, tenor saxophone
Mo van der Does : clarinet
Coos Zwagerman : trumpet
Joan Codina : trombone
Oscar Ployart Wetche : piano
Davor Stehlik : banjo guitar
Tomek van Leeuwen : upright bass
Joe Korach : drums


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