J.C. Bach — Mozart’s Real Musical Father - LIVESTREAM


do 18 mrt '21
Schuilkerk De Hoop Gerrit Alink Exterieur
Wanneer Tijd Waar
do 18 mrt '21 19:00 Schuilkerk De Hoop
Schuilkerk De Hoop Gerrit Alink Exterieur
Schuilkerk De Hoop
Hartveldseweg 23

Concert van Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya en Richard Egarr, live vanuit Schuilkerk De Hoop.

“Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s relationship with his dad Leopold was complicated. While Leopold certainly ‘schooled’ the young Wolfy, Mozart considered Johann Christian Bach (son of J.S.) to be his ‘true musical father’ — their relationship was on a deep musical level, full of mutual love and respect. Later in life, Mozart often paid tribute to him by borrowing themes or actual bits of music. Keyboard virtuosos Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya and Richard Egarr return to the historic Schuilkerk de Hoop in Amsterdam to celebrate that deep understanding and connection by playing two sonatas by each of these masters.”

Kijk voor meer online concerten op https://stadsherstel.nl/nieuws/livestreams-vanuit-onze-bijzondere-locaties/

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