Anthony Lazaro


za 13 jul.
Agenda Anthony Artist
Wanneer Tijd Waar  
za 13 jul. 2024 19:30 't Zonnehuis Kaartverkoop
Zonnehuis Gebouw
't Zonnehuis
Zonneplein 30

Concert van de Italiaanse muzikant Anthony Lazaro in 't Zonnehuis.

Anthony Lazaro is your musical antidote against the stress of daily life. The Italian living in Berlin walks a tightrope suspended between R&B, indie-folk, and jazz-pop: along a trail of 7 albums and 6 Eps in the span of 4 years, Lazaro has created a musical microcosmos on its own, that has cumulated over 80 million streams on Spotify.

“I wanna craft songs that people can relate to. Relax with. Have fun with. My most ambitious goal is being able to move across genres and influence, without losing my own sound and style. Something that I admire in all my musical myths.”

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