Hidden gem on Prinsengracht

The Smits organ here is a monument within a monument. Did you know that the organ concerts are free to visit?

De Duif

On Prinsengracht, opposite the idyllic Amstelveld, is a hidden gem: De Duif (‘The Dove’). Between stately buildings on either side, the church’s modest facade conceals a surprisingly grand interior. Once inside, visitors are stunned by the beauty of this impressive venue.

Venue hire

Prestigious and versatile

Famous companies choose this national heritage building for its prestigious appearance. For couples in love, De Duif is a popular wedding venue. While the historic interior provides a grand yet intimate setting for concerts. In short, this is a versatile venue, available for bookings on any day of the week, be it for lectures, symposiums, dinners, weddings, concerts or receptions.


Flexible and professional

The church is of course equipped with all the modern facilities needed to make your event a success, from innovative and sustainable heating to excellent audio-visual equipment. In the field of AV and catering, Stadsherstel works together with a number of high-quality partners.

Thanks to a mobile acoustic ceiling, the building is ideal for lectures, concerts and recitals. Moreover, the floating wooden floor makes the space highly suitable for dance performances. The Smits organ (also national heritage) is also available to be played. The Steinway grand piano belonging to the legendary Russian pianist Youri Egorov has found a permanent home in the church. A plenary room and various sub-rooms and breakout rooms are available for conferences and meetings.

Wedding celebrations are unforgettable if you arrive romantically by boat, mooring at the Amstelveld – a prime location with its beautiful Caucasian wingnut trees.

Contact the Stadsherstel team for inspiration and information about the possibilities of this impressive historic building.

The Smits organ here is a monument within a monument. Did you know that the organ concerts are free to visit?

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Floor area
850 m2
Reception capacity
540 people *
Concert capacity
450 people *
Dinner capacity
250 people *
* In verband met de huidige coronamaatregelen gelden er andere aantallen en bepalen we per evenement een maximale capaciteit. Neem contact met ons op om dit te bespreken.
The church is open to the public every first Wednesday and third Sunday of the month from 12:00 to 16:00 (Sunday from 13:00).
De Duif is one of Amsterdam’s prime venues for stylish events, ranging from dinners and conferences to trade fairs and concerts.

The building

The origin of the name ‘De Duif’

The name of this outstanding neoclassical monument, De Duif, means ‘The Dove’. The church owes its name to a predecessor, the 17th-century clandestine Catholic church Het Vrededuifje, ‘The Dove of Peace’, which once stood on Kerkstraat. From 1795 Catholics were again allowed openly to have churches, and Het Vrededuifje was the first in Amsterdam to take advantage of the relaxation of the rules.

The first stone for the current church, designed by the Leiden architect Theo Molkenboer, was laid in April 1857. A dove is depicted on the canopy of the pulpit and above the entrance, where thanks to Stadsherstel it regained its original gold leaf finish in 2019.

The famous Dutch actor, presenter and writer Jos Brink preached as a minister at De Duif for over 20 years. He also championed the conservation of the building by organising fundraising campaigns.

Restoring the city

Choose heritage

Due to lack of money and a decline in the number of churchgoers, the church fell into increasing disrepair over the course of the 20th century. The last official mass was in 1974, after which the building was squatted by a group of parishioners campaigning for conservation and restoration. For more than 25 years, the facade had to be shored up because it had come loose. In 1995, the Amsterdams Monumenten Fonds (Amsterdam Monument Fund) and Stadsherstel merged to enable them to buy and restore the building. During the restoration, the various wall paintings emerged from beneath many layers of paint. Today they bear witness to the dedicated work of the restorers.

After an intensive restoration, De Duif reopened in 2002 with a grand cultural weekend of concerts, opera, jazz and dance, heralding the wide range of possibilities that the building now offers. By hiring De Duif you contribute to the maintenance of this historic monument and to the conservation of the city as a whole.



Because the Amstelkerk is just a stone’s throw away, it’s possible to use two of Stadsherstel’s heritage venues for a single event. For example, you can combine a dinner at De Duif with a reception at the Amstelkerk.

Come and experience the atmosphere

De Duif is open to the public every first Wednesday and third Sunday of the month from 12:00 to 16:00 (Sunday from 13:00).

Copyright Gerrit Alink
De Duif is really like our home!
Daphne Keune of the Rondane Quartet, which annually performs works by Simeon ten Holt at De Duif.
We enjoyed our dinner, which, despite the size of the venue, had a very intimate atmosphere, just as we had envisioned.
Christmas dinner organiser
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