Would you like to get married in a historic monument? From a romantic rural church to an industrial heritage shipyard, Stadsherstel has an atmospheric venue to make your wedding day unforgettable. Our venues’ architecture and rich history lend a distinctive character to any ceremony, reception or party.
Stadsherstel carefully restores monumental and historic buildings both in Amsterdam and in its rural surroundings, giving churches and other monuments a new lease of life. These characterful buildings offer the perfect ambience for weddings and receptions.
Each venue offers different options and can be arranged according to your personal wishes. Stadsherstel’s professional team is ready to make your day unforgettable. By choosing a Stadsherstel venue, you are supporting the preservation and restoration of heritage buildings in Amsterdam and the surrounding area.
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This location really contributed to making it such a wonderful day. After a beautiful ceremony in the church we could cut and serve the cake in the bandstand outside. The team really listened when we came to discuss the wedding beforehand.
The perfect place for a perfect day! The historic atmosphere had something romantic and timeless about it, as did our wedding.