Together we will dive deeper and deeper into the harmonious hall of playful music, to meet our unique frequency of medicine – and SHINE!
A three day journey, towards the opening of your divine channel.
໑ Vocal freedom & Improvisation
໑ Holding Space & Handeling Stage Fright
໑ The ceremonial nature of the human gathering
We invite you to become part of a new singing community in which we express our vocal freedom and heal through our voices.
In the workshop, Uria Tsur, musician and since more than 10 years & space holder of ceremonies and singing circles, will give us the formula and the beat for this new singing circle design, which will then continue in more and more places around the world.
Friday 27 October 2023 – Come as you are –
15:00h Arrival and check in
16:00 – 21:00 Group session, including one hour break
On friday we will meet ourselves as we are, tap into the collective field and learn how to pull deeper information about our inner world through the mutual and collective presence, and of course – sing and improvise.
Saturday 28 October 2023 – In a royal manner –
10:30h Arrival
11:00h – 17:00h Group session, including one hour break
Each and every one of us, has arrived into this life with unique gifts to share
The second day is an opportunity to awaken to more and more layers of our inner reality,
We will sing, improvise and practice courage as we relax into the portal of self expression.
Sunday 29 October 2023 – Diving into the unknown –
12:30h Arrival
13:00 – 16:00 Group session
We will bathe in this new frequency, this language that we have acquired in the past two days and dive deeper and deeper into its teachings.
At the end of this session, we will prepare the workshop space to host an epic singing circle, guided by Uria and empowered by the presence of the whole group.
Sunday Music Temple –
(Public Event, for your friends and community)
18:00 Doors open for Music Temple event (participants invite friends)
18:30-20:00 – Singing Circle with friends
20:00 – 22:00 – Dance Temple
From our experience, these workshops invoke a core group of people that are connected by the mutual desire to be in service to the collective and to spread a sense of communion on the journey of life. The Music Temple is a simple formula of harmonious goodness. An invitation to share the magic we have explored, and to initiate a traditional gathering that the group will be able to hold on a regular basis.