Tribal Art Fair


vr 28 okt '22
zo 30 okt '22
 - Copyright Gerrit Alink Copyright Gerrit Alink
Wanneer Tijd Waar
vr 28 okt '22 11:00 - 18:00 De Duif
za 29 okt '22 11:00 - 18:00 De Duif
zo 30 okt '22 11:00 - 18:00 De Duif
De Duif
Prinsengracht 756

Beurs in De Duif

At the Tribal Art Fair you can find objects from Oceania, Africa, Asia and North and  South America. The exhibition include jewellery, sculptures, textiles, masks, implements and furniture. All objects at the Fair will be judged by experts of that region.

At the TAF Amsterdam, twenty renowned art dealers from Holland and abroad will display their best pieces. Collectors, enthusiasts and anyone who is curious about tribal art can this year join us this year online.

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