Immerse yourself in the sonic resonance of planetary tuned gongs, crystal and bronze singing bowls, voice and other instruments.
During the sound bath you are deeply immersed in sounds and vibrations that have the power to cleanse and restore the balance. It is a holistic approach to healing, a journey of self-discovery through a state of deep meditation.
The powerful sounds of gongs and singing bowls facilitate a shift in brain waves from our normal waking state to alpha and theta states that are akin to meditation and where true somatic healing occurs.
The sounds can cleanse the subconscious and bring you into a state of deep rest and expansion of the consciousness. Tensions and blockages in the body can be released, creating more space for the opening of the Heart and allowing energy to flow better.
Harmonise your relationship with all things and take in the fresh energy! This is a wonderful opportunity to let go of old stagnant energies and thought patterns letting the sounds and vibrations of the instruments cleanse what no longer serves you.
***This is a lying-down sound bath. You have to bring your own mattress, blanket or sleeping bag, pillow and any other accessories to lie down as comfortably as possible on the church floor.**