Kevin James & Susana | Heartsong Chanting Circle

Muziek, Spiritueel

vr 2 jun '23
Agenda Kevin Susana
Wanneer Tijd Waar  
vr 2 jun '23 19:30 Vondelkerk Kaartverkoop
Vondelkerk 2011 Ext Annyas
Vondelstraat 120

Kevin’s Chanting Circles are a co-creative and empowering experience that can have you singing your heart out, dancing in bliss and diving deep into the profound silence that follows.

Join us for a magical evening in the HeartSong Chanting Circle with Kevin James & Susana in De Vondelkerk in Amsterdam. A powerful way to reconnect to the heart.

We feel blessed! Kevin James Carroll and his beloved Susana Rodríquez will come back to The Netherlands to give a Heartsongs Chanting Circle in the magical Vondelkerk in the Heart of Amsterdam. Let’s share our Heart’s Fire!

In front of the church, there is space to sit around the flower heart mandala. Please bring a cushion if you want to sit there. There will be chairs available.

We are looking forward to diving into bliss together!

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