Cosmic Sound: Sound Bath


do 13 jul.
Agenda Soundbath
Wanneer Tijd Waar  
do 13 jul. 2023 19:30 Posthoornkerk Kaartverkoop
Posthoornkerk - buiten gevel
Haarlemmerstraat 124-126
1013EX Amsterdam

Laat je vervoeren op een buitenaardse ervaring van transcendente ontspanning en helende klank, met behulp van planetair afgestemde gongs, bronzen en kristallen klankschalen, stem, fluiten en andere instrumenten.

***Kindly note that this is a lying-down sound bath. You have to bring your own mattress (ideally camping pad, foam, topper or inflatable mattress), blanket or sleeping bag, pillow and any other accessories to lie down as comfortably as possible on the church floor.

When attending a sound bath, you relax, fully clothed on your comfortable mat on the floor, letting the sound bathe your body and carry the mind, as the sound gently washes over you. The session begins with sounds of singing bowls or a variety of instruments, and then the gongs are gently invited to start sounding, gradually building the sound with a growing myriad of harmonics. Throughout the session there will be periods of other instruments and sounds, but the main focus is on the gongs and singing bowls. These then gently fade to a variety of more grounding sounds towards the end, when complete silence pervades allowing you to be in this profound, powerful stillness for a short time.

The powerful sounds of gongs and singing bowls facilitate a shift in brainwaves from our normal waking state to alpha and theta states that are akin to meditation and where true somatic healing occurs. The sounds can cleanse the subconscious and bring one into a state of deep rest and expansion of the consciousness. Tensions and blockages in the body can be released, creating more space for the opening of the heart and allowing energy to flow better.


During the session everyone will feel intense vibrations surrounding their body. Some may receive these vibrations and drift to a meditative state while others may experience emotional release. Whatever you feel is fine, so allow your feelings to come and go. Being open in this manner will help you release deep-rooted emotions. The sound bath is a wonderful opportunity to let go of old stagnant energies and thought patterns letting the sounds and vibrations of the instruments cleanse what no longer serve you.

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