Conservatorium van Amsterdam in de Oosterkerk: Camille Schneegans (fluit), Carlos Marin Rayo (piano)


vr 16 jun.
Agenda Cva Camille Carlos
  • Toegangsprijs Regulier € 12,-
    Buurtbewoners (postcodegebied 1018): € 6,- (op vertoon van een envelop met uw adres of een ander bewijs dat u in het 1018-gebied woont)
  • Extra info Buurtbewoners krijgen 50% korting
  •   Kaartverkoop
Wanneer Tijd Waar  
vr 16 jun. 2023 15:00 - 16:00 Oosterkerk Kaartverkoop
Kleine Wittenburgerstraat 1

Elke 1e dinsdag en 3e vrijdag van de maand treden studenten van het Conservatorium van Amsterdam op in de Oosterkerk. Ontdek nieuw talent als eerste in deze serie van Stadsherstel en het Conservatorium.

Camille and Carlos perform regularly together as a duo after meeting during their master’s studies at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam.

There they were coached by Vincent Cortvrint, Kersten McCall and Frank van de Laar. Connected by common goals and complicit since the beginning of their rehearsals, the two young musicians consider their duo certainly as an artistic challenge, but above all as a human journey. Driven by the same passion for chamber music, connecting on stage with audiences and having something to say is what Camille and Carlos like the most. This is essential for them. Their repertoire expands across four centuries and they would love to share their music with as many people as possible. They were finalists of the Concours de musique Zonta and have performed widely in France and in the Netherlands. Their upcoming engagements will take them to Spain (Madrid and León). They have received masterclasses from Emily Beynon, Marine Prez and Christina Fassbender.

Born in Strasbourg (France), flutist Camille Schneegans has graduated with honors from a Masters Degree at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam in 2022. Next year she will pursue a Masters Degree at the prestigious CNSMDP in Paris. She has performed regularly with major orchestras, most notably twice with the Concertgebouw Orkest and with the Orchestre Philarmonique de Strasbourg, as well as with the young Franco-German and Hungarian Philharmonie and the Orchestre du Rhin.

Born in Madrid (Spain), pianist Carlos Marín Rayo graduated from the Conservatorium van Amsterdam in 2022. He is a prize winner of major competitions and has performed extensively throughout The Netherlands (Concertgebouw, De Doelen, Tivoli Vredenburg), Spain, Portugal (where he performed 4-hands together with legendary artist Maria Joao Pires), Austria, Switzerland, the UK, Serbia, Australia, etc. He was recently a guest artist in residence at the George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, in the United States.

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