Subbacultcha: Cement #4: slowfoam + S*an D. Henry-Smith


wo 24 apr
Agenda Cement
Wanneer Tijd Waar  
wo 24 apr 20:00 - 22:00 't Zonnehuis Kaartverkoop
Zonnehuis Gebouw
't Zonnehuis
Zonneplein 30

Een avondvullend programma georganiseerd door Subbacultcha.

Join us for the fourth installment of Cement – an evening of speculating, being and (sound-)bathing. This time at a new location: De Blauwe Zaal in the monumental building of ‘t Zonnehuis.

For this evening we have invited the Berlin-based kwia resident slowfoam. They will fill ‘t Zonnehuis with extraterrestrial vocal textures while synergizing acoustic and synthetic sounds. Madelyn Byrd (the human behind slowfoam) their practice is built on the intersections of hydrofeminism and neuroaesthetics. On April 24th you can join them while diving into the uncanny interactions between ecology and technology – an unbounded sound bath for your ears and mind.

S*an D. Henry-Smith will join this evening with a poetic, textural, ambient and ritualistic presentation. They are a collaborative practitioner working in poetry and photography, and by extension, sound, performance and publishing. They have received awards and fellowships from Center for Photography at Woodstock, the Fulbright Program, The Poetry Project, and Poets House. Expect sonic poetry in its myriad forms.

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