Ayla Schaffer | Song of the soul

Muziek, Spiritueel

zo 16 apr '23
Agenda Aylaschafer
Wanneer Tijd Waar
zo 16 apr '23 14:00 't Zonnehuis
Zonnehuis Gebouw
't Zonnehuis
Zonneplein 30

Liberate your voice at the Song of the Soul vocal workshop with Ayla Schafer.

We are excited that the beautiful songstress Ayla Schafer will come to Amsterdam and will give a ceremonial concert on April 15th and a workshop on April 16th.
There are only 50 places available for this workshop.

About the Song of Soul

Each one of us carries our unique soul voice, a powerful tool gifted to us to connect and communicate with life. The Song of our soul is the intimate expression of our true nature, the spontaneous sound of our spirit. To truly sing is a journey of remembering, getting out of the way, and trusting in ourselves as we surrender to the spirit of sound in us.

Our voice is the only instrument created by God, it is our connection to the naked truth of our being and to the prayers that silently carry with us. We were born to sing. This is a journey of deep discovery; unveiling our naked and untamed voice and awakening the power of our free expression. We do not ‘learn to sing’, instead we unlearn and release the judgment, fears, and blockages that hold us back from something that is our nature.

Ancient ways remind us what it truly means to sing and use the song as tribal people have done for millennia; to connect and speak with the spirit of life, to heal and transform, to celebrate, to realign ourselves, and to pray, so that we can step more fully into our soul purpose in this life.

Our voice brings us immediately into connection with ourselves, each other, and the present moment. Weaving between sound and silence, resting in the stillness from where our sound comes from; we return to the source of Life itself. Our voice brings us home to ourselves, our body is our portal, our Voice is our tool, our silence is our home.

What To Expect

A Journey that brings you profoundly within to meet yourself through the intimate encounter with your voice and your inner being.
​Learn different exercises to liberate your voice and use your voice as a tool for healing, creativity, communication, release and free expression.

Explore various tools and vocal techniques that can be used in your daily life and practice
​Learn traditional-global-tribal-Accapella songs and chants

​Toning and chanting – calming the mind, clearing and activating energy through toning.
​Explore improvisation -tapping into your spontaneous, unique sound and soul song within you.

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