Alexia Chellun: Power Is Now tour


vr 22 sep '23
Agenda Alexia Chellun
Wanneer Tijd Waar  
vr 22 sep '23 19:30 De Duif Kaartverkoop
De Duif
Prinsengracht 756

Concert georganiseerd door HeartFire in de Duif.

Her song The Power Is Here Now has 17.432.863 listeners on Spotify. Such a powerful song that is sung at weddings, funerals, in ceremonies, in cars and for sure under the shower.

‘The Power Is Here Now’ Tour is on the road Alexia Chellun’s uplifting music and songwriting radiates warmth, compassion and joy. A versatile artist, she produces music across multiple genres touching listeners all over the world.

A unique aspect of Alexia’s music is how she weaves themes of self healing, the law of attraction and relaxation into her accessible and catchy music style. Her soothing and uplifting voice resonates deeply. For some people it offers sanctuary during challenging times.

Alexia will be joined by Ken Rose, who has worked with a wide variety of artists including Marianne Faithful, Teitur, and Kip Winger.

Come and join us in concert for an uplifting and inspiring experience.

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