The John Adams Institute: Last Politician - Franklin Foer


wo 31 jan.
Agenda Johan Adams Franklin Foer
Wanneer Tijd Waar  
wo 31 jan. 2024 20:00 Posthoornkerk Kaartverkoop
Posthoornkerk - buiten gevel
Haarlemmerstraat 124-126
1013EX Amsterdam

A Johan Adams Institute lecture on Joe Biden’s White House and the Struggle for America’s Future

From author and The Atlantic staff writer Franklin Foer comes a gripping biography of Joe Biden, following his first term in office: The Last Politician.
With unequaled access to inner circle advisors who have surrounded Biden for decades, Foer crafts a high-definition portrait of a presidency 50 years in the making at a critical moment in America’s history.

From the January 6th Capitol attack to Covid-19, Biden had his work cut out for him from the get-go. With a keen eye for the challenges ahead, he proposed the most ambitious domestic spending bills since the 1960s and reoriented the United States on the world stage toward the looming conflict with China.

But American democracy itself remains imperiled. The forces that whisked former president Trump to the Oval Office are not, despite Biden’s best efforts, in the rearview mirror. Facing real threats at home and abroad, pundits and polls suggest that the odds are stacked against him in 2024. But is that really the case?

Foer analyzes the triumphs and failures of Biden’s leadership from the 2022 “midterm miracle” to the power of the Inflation Reduction Act. He also examines the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan as well as the American response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, all with an eye for what this will mean for the upcoming presidential elections in 2024, the outcome of which is far from being decided.

Moderator: Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal

In collaboration with: BOZAR Brussel & Munich’s Amerikahaus and Munich Dialogues on Democracy

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