Energetic Gong Bath with José Antonio Manchado, Mundo Armonia


wo 4 okt '23
Agenda Gongbath
Wanneer Tijd Waar  
wo 4 okt '23 20:00 't Zonnehuis Kaartverkoop
Zonnehuis Gebouw
't Zonnehuis
Zonneplein 30

Powerful ancient Tibetan practice where you receive the vibrations and Life energy of the gongs while lying down

Did you know… 

… the sound of the Gong can change thoughts that sustain and recreate negative feelings, and release these blockages?

… an energetic gong bath has a stimulatingexciting and beneficial sensation in your process of healing and rebalancing yourself?

… after a gong bath you can experience that your emotional energy and feelings are reorganised and revitalised?

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